I have noticed in many places that are working on implementing Agile methodology a popular misconception around the question who are the Scrum Development Team. Most people wrongly assume that it is the de facto developers who write the code and when I point out that it is not the case it is being met by dismay and skepticism. "Developers are developers, who else can development team be?" I was told once in a such discussion, and the answers to that is hidden with in the Scrum guide If one will go and carefully review the guide one can find the following definition there: "The Development Team consists of professionals who do the work of delivering a potentially releasable Increment of "Done" product at the end of each Sprint." Take a note of the phrase "... rofessionals who do the work of delivering..." those are not only the developers who write the code but also the Testers who test the code, the BAs who taking care of Backlog items ...
Here one can find everything about software testing, testing tools and test automation. To help with day to day tasks of a tester or a QA professional I will share here my scripts and trade secrets of the profession